

You now have access to the Super Conscious Creator Code



Create, achieve or manifest the life of your dreams with ease, alignment and in a state of flow where everything just seems to fall into place effortlessly?

Effortlessly compress the time and energy it takes to create abundance in any area of your life that’s lacking? 


Say goodbye to the hustle, struggle, confusion & overwhelm associated with pushing yourself to the limit to achieve and maintain a level of fulfillment & success in your life?


In a few short weeks you will have crystal clear clarity around who you truly want to be and the future you want to create, be that in your relationships, finances, career, health or your life’s purpose.

You will know how to take control of your thoughts, emotions and behaviours in order to free  yourself of any limitations, self sabotage patterns or blocks that stand in the way of creating the abundant life you deserve.

 You will know how to identify any unconscious limiting beliefs that are standing in your way, holding you back or keeping you in struggle or playing small.


You will have discovered a proven formula to neutralise the resistance that shows up in the form of procrastination, overwhelm, confusion or lack of motivation when you set new goals and challenges for yourself.

You will have discovered how to connect to your superconscious mind in order to gain crystal clear clarity about your direction and to instinctively know the right action to take that’s aligned with your desired reality.

You will have mastered a simple yet revolutionary 5 step formula that will have you creating, achieving and manifesting with ease, alignment and in a state of flow.

You will finally be able to honestly say that you embody the type of person you’ve always wanted to be.
Confident, motivated, energised, powerful and free!




A 6 week experiential journey to transform your identity towards more fulfillment, more abundance, more success, and your next level potentials.


 Build the skill of setting daily intentions and practices to keep you aligned with your desired realty
 Neutralise and recode old sabotaging identities, negative beliefs and trapped emotions to unblock your energy field
 Become a master of controlling your emotional state by eliciting elevated emotions that raise your energetic frequency (your vibe) so you will attract more of what you want to your life.



 Master your internal dialogue, your thoughts, emotions and behaviours through radical honesty and self observation
Diagnose and understand the negative feedback loop that keeps you trapped in automatic patterns of behaviour and recode it at the source.
Reframe your programmed assumptions and perceptions to create a positive feedback loop that directly influences your immediate environment.
Connect with your intuitive intelligence to guide you effortlessly towards the right action that catapults you towards your dreams and goals.


 You’ve tried everything to change things and you’ve made progress but it’s one step forward, two steps back?

 You’ve been working hard for so long, striving and chasing the dream but you’re starting to lose your mojo?

 You’ve managed to achieve a level of success in your life, but no matter how much you achieve, you’re still not satisfied or fulfilled?

 You used to have energy and passion for life and what you do, but lately you’ve lost touch with that and your confidence has taken a hit. 

 Chasing success and doing everything the hard way has netted results but it’s been at the cost of either your health, your relationships or your happiness? 

 You’ve lost touch with who you are, why you’re doing what you’re doing and what you even want?

 You consciously know you want more from life but unconsciously you keep finding ways to sabotage things?

 You procrastinate, make up excuses and tell yourself stories to stop yourself from moving towards your dreams and goals?

 You make a new plan, get super excited, but always seem to end up back in  your comfort zone? 

 You’ve mastered!! the art of second guessing yourself and overthinking everything?




Join a collective FB community of fellow seekers, expanding what’s possible, who are actively raising their consciousness and helping to raise consciousness on the planet. Be part of something bigger than yourself to give and gain support and to connect, communicate and contribute.


This foundational program marries the latest in Applied Neuroscience & Quantum Physics with Ancient Wisdom Technologies to help bring about rapid transformational change based on our own energetics. Over 6 hours of drip fed, in depth video content presented in simple, experiential ways, designed to gain traction and consolidate the learning process. Content includes powerful transformational meditations and recode processes that help bring about change at the energetic & neurological level.


Knowledge is power, but without action and implementation, knowledge alone does nothing to advance you forward. You will be provided with proven formula and processes that shift your new knowledge into a new reality.


Using a specific Quantum & Neuroscience based formula, you will learn to connect and gain access to your intuitive intelligence, your Superconscious Mind, to help you tap into your true nature & purpose and guide you on your path towards your desired reality.

Our human potential is virtually limitless
And we are powerful beyond belief
But that’s not what we’ve been conditioned to believe
Unconsciously we place limits on ourselves that blocks our energy and progress
Sometimes it makes us play small, sometimes it makes us hold back
It makes us procrastinate, dabble or simply give up
Sometimes it burns us out so we can‘t keep going
Sometimes it keeps us stuck in the same place for years
But we endure and we survive,
Why? Because we are limitless
What if we could thrive, instead of just survive?
We can….Once we are introduced to our internal power source,
our self imposed limits can be broken
Once we unpack and acknowledge our unconscious limitations,
the door to a limitless future can be opened
Because we are in fact limitless

Meet Your Coach

Hi I’m Sharon Elliott Dunne and you may be wondering why you should believe me? Because maybe…just maybe… I’m just like you in some ways? Maybe I’ve walked in your shoes?

 Five years ago my life looked very different to what it is now. I was suffering from chronic pain, chronic fatigue and deeply depressed after years of striving and struggling to create success, search for happiness and get ahead.

 I’ve always been driven and ambitious but I was trying to do it all, and be it all, on my own for too long. I now know, this is a trauma response. I had to address my health issues and finally after a very long and frustrating process of medical investigation, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

At the time I was running my own fashion retail business and I was making frequent trips to Bali for manufacturing. I was also at this time, a single mother bringing up 2 pre teenage children. Four years prior to this, I had left my marriage and consequently just received my divorce papers after an ugly legal battle with my ex husband. To say I was exhausted is an understatement.

 The stress eventually got to the point where I could no longer do it all, something had to give, so I had to close the doors of my business. I was forced to take a loss, financially, emotionally and physically and at this point my health declined even further.

In 2016, I rarely got out of bed for the whole of  winter. I was able to manage the bare minimum as a mother, get up, get the kids to school, put food on the table at night, but other than that I had zero energy or motivation for life. I was in severe pain and deeply depressed. I didn’t know how I was going to find the strength to keep going and part of me didn’t want to.

I’d hit rock bottom and the doctors had no solutions for me. Apparently my condition was incurable and had to be managed with pain killers and anti depressants. This was like a life sentence to me. I didn’t want to just survive, I wanted to thrive.  Otherwise I couldn’t see the point.

 So I started searching for answers outside of mainstream medicine. I’d been studying personal growth for over 30 years so I knew alternatives were out there. I tried everything. I took myself on a healing journey that lasted about 3 years. I tried energy healing in Ubud, I tried kinesiology in Byron Bay. I tried hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT, and I read literally hundreds of books on self help and self healing.

But my biggest breakthroughs came when I started exploring modern science and what was being discovered blew my mind. The subjects of Quantum physics, Epigenetics and Applied Neuroscience became my new obsession. I immersed myself and continued formal studies for over 3 years and then, started my own successful Performance Coaching Business.

By doing the study and the work I did on myself (guided by a very good coach!) I was able to overcome my old identity, that was addicted to struggle and suffering. I was able to transform my life and FULLY recover my confidence, my health and wellbeing.

I no longer suffer from any physical pain; all my many food allergies cleared up, my immune system, my digestive system and my energy levels are fully restored. I have discovered first hand how incredibly powerful we humans actually are. By accessing and harnassing my own energy and inner power, I was able to completely transform my health, my relationships, my finances and my career.

 I have learnt first hand that we can literally control our own biology and create fulfillment and abundance in our life by raising our consciousness and our own vibrational energy. I am now living confidently and abundantly on every level.

 My purpose has become clear. I want to make this work accessible to all on a much larger scale.

Which is why I have created SC Creator and I’d love to invite you to join me on this journey!




What's On The Inside?

Week 1. Create Vision & Clarity
We will delve into your deepest desires to get rock solid clarity and certainty about your desired identity and future reality. You will get clear on what’s next for you…your mission, your purpose and the action steps you need to take to get you there. 
Week 2. Align your Values
We will uncover what it is you truly value to ensure your values are in alignment with your vision. When you improve this alignment, you will feel the difference. You will begin to understand the power of setting intentions and making true choices Vs ineffective choices which will have a major impact on your outcomes. 
Week 3. The Creative Orientation
Learn how to leverage the creative tension that turns into momentum and pulls you towards your goals. Step into living the best version of yourself now. Yes you can be it now! Step into your desired reality and create the structural tension that makes you a magnet for all you desire. Learn the 5 Step process that will have you creating abundance with ease. 
Week 4. Unpack Limiting Beliefs
Say goodbye to your limitations. Delve into the unconscious mind to discover what’s been holding you back and blocking you from achieving your fullest potential. Say goodbye to self sabotage and imposter syndrome. We will unpack what’s been stopping you from breaking free of old habits and patterns of behaviour that no longer serve you. If you think you don’t have limitations, let’s just ask the right questions and see? 
Week 5. The 3 Levels of Consciousness
We will dive into the 3 levels of consciousness in order to understand how we have the power to raise our own consciousness, to take back control of our environment and our reality. You will learn how to connect to your higher intuitive intelligence for guidance. You will instinctively know the right action to take in any given moment. You will meet your Superconscious Self!
Week 6. Emotional Mastery
In this final week, you will be introduced to the neurobiology of emotions and how to control and regulate your emotions to raise your own vibrational frequency. Raising your energetic frequency to the same level as your desired reality enables you to attract whatever you desire to your life in a state of flow. This is the emotional alignment that will make you a magnet for all your desire to create. 

Emotional Alignment Meditations Library
These Six transformational recodes and meditations are included in the modules content but are designed to be used as often as possible. Repetitive use will help to create new neural pathways, consolidate the learning and increase heart/brain coherence and clarity.
The MP4 downloads are available for any personal device and are recommended to listen with head phones on.


I just thought I'd drop a note in here about how much I'm enjoying this course with Sharon and what an incredible gift it is to have the time and space to learn to be a happier healthier version of me. I've been going through a huge upheaval as my first book has been published. A lot of highs and lows, a lot of firsts, and lot of impact on my nervous system. Doing this course at the same time has been a gift from the universe and I definitely needed the extra guidance and support. If I could just train myself to be content with where I am right now, imagine how great my life would be? Sharon is giving me these tools and the awareness that when a train of thought isn't productive, rather than falling down the rabbit hole of self doubt, I can consciously change my perception. The upswing in self awareness, the ability to process problems in a way that isn't all about problem solving, is such a freeing experience. 


Life is not a playback that we get to stop, start or erase. Sharon your course is so absolutely on point with the simple and powerful way you helped me metaphorically breathe. To slow down, take a closer look, remain conscious and see what else is there to be acknowledged ….find your own awareness. I am totally endorsing the work, the method and the outcome to my professional network. The way you are so capable of delivering your knowledge with simplicity and clarity is remarkable and I absolutely endorse the work, having done this course myself. 


Doing the six week Superconscious Creator course has been incredibly enlightening. Sharon took me on an indepth journey within myself. I was able to delve deeply into my unconscious belief systems and perceptions about what we’ve been trained to do and think. Deeply ingrained traits have been acknowledged and bought into the light. Many were found to be outdated and useless and so I was asked to let go of them. 
I found as the weeks progressed I became naturally, without effort more aware of what I was thinking and doing unconsciously . This allowed me to take a deep breath and let go of whatever my normal reaction would be and see the situation from a different perspective, a learning perspective rather than a reactive perspective. I’m only touching the surface of this brilliant course that I’m sure will generate positive results for all that take it.


I just want to put into my own words what has been a brilliant masterclass in becoming conscious this course is. Sharon’s ability to harness her profound knowledge and convey it in simple, real terms is a superpower. I am speaking from my personal perspective here, however Sharon has also worked closely with the key executives in my company and I have seen the tangible results of her work play out to dramatically improve my team and my business. Now working through this program, I understand why the work is so incredibly powerful. Congratulations Sharon on being so open, real and vulnerable in how you present the course. It is inspiring to hear your truth and stories of overcoming adversity and obstacles. No doubt I speak for other members in this community when I say that’s it’s so refreshing to find a coach who has such a brilliant way of delivering transformational learning in such a simple and uncomplicated way. 


What a wonderful experience I just had in session six. My takeout was around my perceptions and victim Vs genius thinking. (X happens and Y is our choice of reaction.) 
I used this knowledge this morning, when I observed a typical pattern of behaviour when I was triggered and automatically chose frustration, impatience and disappointment as my reaction. I made it personal, I made it all about me. 
However this time I was able to I stop myself right there.. I sat down and started to do the heart focused breathing, whilst placing my hands at my heart and KABOOM!
My nervous system slowed and fight/flight ceased. The negative emotion was gone and I felt calm and clear. The victim was no longer present and in came the genius!


I just finished session four and am really enjoyed this course. I can feel the resistance show up to delving deeper but at the same time I’m now enjoying the feeling of exploring it rather than trying to avoid it. Finally, being able to start to regulate my emotions is such a powerful realisation for me. I’m so looking forward to the next session!




 The formula to finally rid yourself of repetitive sabotaging behaviours
 The freedom to envision your hopes and dreams WITHOUT fear and doubt
 The unshakeable clarity and confidence to successfully execute anything you set your mind to
 The motivation and momentum that keeps you in the Superflow State
 The ability to compress the timeline to get your results, outputs and outcomes in record time
 Higher energy, more focus, more alignment more coherence more satisfaction, more fulfillment and more success!



Anyone who wants to build an incredible life they love, live life to their fullest potential , live in health and vitality, live their true nature and purpose and become the predominant creative force in their own life.

A revolutionary 5 Step process that keeps you in the Superflow State



 Lifetime access


 It’s self paced but is designed to complete one module per week for a total of 6 weeks. It can be done in more or less time, but it is recommended that in order to gain traction and consolidate the learning that you do at least one module per week.


 As long as you follow the recommendations of the course and do the actual work, I am confident you will be more than satisfied with this transformational course. In the unlikely event that you’re not satisfied, you can get in touch to discuss my money back guarantee.


I am constantly creating new content and currently working on a deeper immersion into the work. Its called SC Performance and will be available soon. Because you’ve completed SC Creator you will be eligible for a discounted price on further courses and programs.
I am also working on a 12 month VIP membership program that will be available soon.


Superconscious Creator Program Value 


 6 X Deep Dive video trainings (valued at ….$1795)

 6 X Transformational Guided Meditations (valued at….$294)

 6 X Printable Summary PDF’s (which make up your Course Workbook….value$96)

 Over 6 hours of Breakthroughs (Priceless!)


Free Bonus Content

Bonus 1: Lifetime Access to your Membership Site

Bonus 2: 21 Day Intentions Challenge

Bonus 3: Emotional Alignment Meditations Library


Total Value: $ 2185

Exclusive Introductory Offer

plus GST (paid in full)

Your information is secure and private!


$300 x 2 (Instalments)

(plus GST)

Payment options: Debit Card or Credit Card

Secure Order
Instant Access
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

'For a limited time only'


If you have questions, concerns, or just want further clarity about whether this program is for you and what outcomes you can expect, book a free 30 min phone or zoom call.
I will personally talk you through it.